U utorak, 16-og novembra 2021.godine, senator savezne države Illinois, gosp. Ram Villivallam, uručio je specijalno priznanje omladinskoj grupi našeg džemata Bosnian Youth of Chicago zbog višegodišnjeg pomaganja humanitarnih aktivnosti u zajednici.
Čestitamo Odboru i svim članovima omladinske grupe na ovom velikom priznanju. Ponosni smo na Vas, samo tako nastavite.
This evening we had the pleasure of meeting with State Senator Ram Villivalam and his chief of staff Veton Hasku, to accept a proclamation of thank you! We are honored and so grateful to take part in helping out the community.

We want to give a big THANK YOU to Senator Ram Villivalam for taking time out of his day as well as our youth members to come and accept these proclamations on behalf of all of our youth members!
Thank you guys for all you have done to help us and we look forward to working with Senator Ram Villivalam in the future again inshAllah!!
Very proud of BYC! 😊
Thank you!