Džemat BICC opredijeljen je da bilježi svoje aktivnosti i najvažnije događaje. Otuda svake godine u ljetnom periodu izdajemo godišnjak ili bilten koji sadrži presjek naših prošlogodišnjih aktivnosti i najavljuje nove događaje. U prilogu možete pogledati sve dosadašnje brojeve u PDF formatu, a našim džematlijama preporučujemo da čuvaju svaki novi broj u svojoj arhivi.
The BICC's Newsletter called the ” Western Newsletter ”, has been published since 2012 to create a permanent record of us and our activities. In the attachment, you can see how the development of the BICC jersey was going on in a few years and what activities were taking place in our center.
You can view the newsletters by clicking on them:
BILTEN 2021_01-56 (New!!!)
From this distance of view, as if it was several decades ago and not several years. The printing of these bulletins was facilitated by our sponsors, while the team working on them was mostly volunteer in the desire to grow and develop.
BICC is the publisher of all the newsletters, and they are edited by hfz. mr. Muriz Mesic.
We invite sponsors to support this project and to contact us by email: info@bicc-chicago.com