Islamic school


The Islamic school in the BECCA community is the most significant educational activity.

The Islamic school takes place on both weekend days, Saturdays and Sundays, and the classes are conducted according to the curriculum of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Islamic Community of Bosniaks in North America

The Islamic school classes are led by our Imam, Dr. Adis-ef. Sultanović, and for many years, over 200 students have been attending the school in our mosque. His assistants are religious educators Sumeja Sultanović, followed by Enessa Bašić-Mehmedović and Jasmina Ejupović


Children in the Islamic school are divided into 3 categories: Ilmihal (6-8 years), Sufara (9-11 years), Quran (12-14 years).

The Islamic school is free for all children, regardless of whether their parents are members of our community or not. If you would like to support the work of our Islamic school, you can do so through the Parent Council or by donating directly to the School Fund.

All the necessary literature (Ilmihal, Sufara, Qur’an) can be obtained by parents at the premises of BECCA community.

The enrollment of children in Mekteb takes place at the beginning of the Mekteb year (September), and we only accept children who have turned 6 years old or older.

If you have any questions regarding Mekteb, please feel free to contact us via email at
