On Saturday, December 10th, after the afternoon prayer, the regular, electoral Assembly of the Jamaat was held. In addition to the adopted report for 2021-2022, new members of the Jamaat Board were elected for the period of 2023-2027, and they are:
At the first meeting of the mosque committee, held on Sunday, January 23, 2022, it was unanimously decided that the leadership of our mosque for the next two years will be as follows:
“As of February 1st, 2018, a new treasurer has been selected for our mosque based on a competition held by the Mosque and Supervisory Boards – hajjia Vasvija Čolpa (Contact: 773/632-6203 | e-mail: vcolpa@gmail.com).”
For the sake of continuity of memory, we will keep information about the previous džematski and nadzorni boards in the future.
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